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| News |
Using the Raccoon River Valley Trail During Winter
| 1506 | 2/16/2024 | Trails | Raccoon River Valley Trail Association, Trail Etiquette, Winter | Raccoon River Valley Trail | Adel, Clive, Cooper, Dallas Center, Dawson, Herndon, Jamaica, Jefferson, Linden, Minburn, Ortonville, Panora, Perry, Redfield, Waukee, Yale |   |
| News |
Cycling safety tips to keep in mind
| 2730 | 4/2/2021 | Education, Recreation, Road, Trails, Training/Fitness | Bicycle Safety, State-wide, Trail Etiquette | | |   |
| News |
Thinking about hitting the trail? You might want to hold off for little while
| 2608 | 3/27/2021 | Mountain Bike, Trails | Central Iowa Trails Association (CITA), Dirt, Trail Etiquette | Banner Lakes, Center Trails, Ewing Park, Grandview Trail, Sycamore River Trail | Des Moines, Indianola |   |
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As Iowa trails become more crowded, follow these rules and etiquette tips
| 3201 | 10/1/2020 | Trails | covid 19, derecho, Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation (INHF), Trail Etiquette | | |   |
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Exploring Home: The Wabash Trace Nature Trail
| 2844 | 8/18/2020 | Trails | Taco Ride, Trail Etiquette | Wabash Trace Nature Trail | Blanchard, Coin, Council Bluffs, Imogene, Malvern, Mineola, Shenandoah, Silver City |   |
| Events |
Iowa Trails Summit
| 11763 | 8/27/2019 | Advocacy, Charity, Commuting, Culture, Destination, Education, Other, Recreation, Team/Club, Touring, Tourism, Trails | Advocacy, America Bikes, Ames Bicycle Coalition, Association, Bagger, Bicycle Club, Bicycle Culture, Bicycle Friendly, Bicycle Laws, Bicycle Master Plan, Bicycle Tourism, Bicycles, Bike Lanes and Routes, Bike Packing, Bike People, Bike to Work, Bike to Work Week, BIKEIOWA, bikepacking, Boone County Trails Advisory Committee (BCTAC), Camping, Cedar Trails Partnership, Cedar Valley Bicycle Collective, Cedar Valley Cyclists, Cedar Valley Trails Partnership, Central Iowa Cycling Club (CICC), Central Iowa Cyclists, Central Iowa Regional Transportation Planning Alli, Central Iowa Trails, Central Iowa Trails Association (CITA), City of Des Moines Parks and Recreation, Classes and Clinics, Dallas County Conservation, Des Moines Bicycle Collective (DMBC), Des Moines Bicycle Summit, Dickinson County Trails, Economic Development, Freeman Kevenides Law Firm LLC, Funding, Fundraiser, Grass Roots Advocacy, Great American Rail Trail, Green County Conservation, Guthrie County Conservation, Hawkeye Bicycle Association, Infrastructure, Iowa, Iowa Bicycle Coalition (IBC), Iowa Bicycle Summit, Iowa By Trail, Iowa Department of Natural Resources (IDNR), Iowa Department of Transportation (IDOT), Iowa Great Lakes, Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation (INHF), Jefferson County Trails Council, Johnson County Trail Foundation (JCTF), League of American Bicyclist (LAB), Linn Area Mountain Bike Association (LAMBA), Local Business, Maps, Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), National Bicycle Greenway (NBG), National Recreation Trails (NRT), Non-profit, Perry Chamber of Commerce/BRR Ride, Polk County Conservation, Raccoon River Valley Trail (RRVT), Raccoon River Valley Trail Association, RAGBRAI, Rails to Trails, rural Iowa, Safe Routes to School, Sioux Center Trails Council, Sponsor, Staycation, Story County Conservation, Street Collective, Touring, Trail Amenities, Trail Art, Trail Clean Up, Trail Etiquette, Trail Expansion, Trail Festivities, Trail Food, Trail Funding, Trail Head, Trail Maint | | Pella |   |
| Features |
Only You can Prevent Trail Rut
| 7919 | 11/28/2018 | Education, Mountain Bike, Trails | Friends of Off Road Cycling (FORC), Trail Etiquette, Winter, Winter Ride | Scott County Park, Sunderbruch Park, Westbrook Park | Davenport, Dewitt, Park View |   |
| News |
Greenbelt Trail assault victim took attacker's weapon while fighting back, records show
| 12331 | 8/4/2017 | Advocacy | Bicycle Safety, Central Iowa Trails, Trail Etiquette, Trails Capital of the World | Clive Greenbelt Trail | Clive |   |
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Handfuls of tacks found on busy metro bike trail
| 10190 | 3/4/2016 | Commuting, Recreation, Trails | Trail Clean Up, Trail Etiquette, Vandalism | American Discovery Trail | Des Moines |   |
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Lawyer: Cyclist's tickets won't hold up in court
| 10964 | 9/4/2015 | Recreation, Trails | Bicycle Laws, Lawsuit, Trail Etiquette | Raccoon River Valley Trail | Adel, Clive, Cooper, Dallas Center, Dawson, Herndon, Jamaica, Jefferson, Linden, Minburn, Ortonville, Panora, Perry, Redfield, Waukee, Yale |   |
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