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 News Branstad targets bicycle safety, distracted driving 113051/11/2017AdvocacyBicycle Laws, Bicycle Safety, Government, Iowa Bicycle Coalition (IBC), Legislation, Safe Passing Law, Traffic  ...X
 News 11 cyclists died in Iowa in 2016 108901/11/2017AdvocacyBicycle Laws, Bicycle Safety, Government, Iowa Bicycle Coalition (IBC), Legislation, Safe Passing Law, Traffic  ...X
 News Iowa bicyclist's camera catches close call with pickup 107278/11/2016Advocacy, Other, RoadMark Wyatt, Police, Share the Road, Traffic Iowa City, Riverside...X
 News Iowa needs tougher reckless driving laws 78118/6/2016Advocacy, CultureBicycle Safety, Legislation, Traffic  ...X
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