
RRVT Bridge that was damaged in March of 2019. Photo courtesy of GC Conservation

A project on the Raccoon River Valley Trail in Greene County continues to be delayed.

Greene County Conservation Director Dan Towers says the bridge on the trail that was damaged from the 2019 floods continues to sit in a holding pattern. He explains the funding mechanism has not been finalized with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

“Thank God that’s there. I don’t know if we could justify the cost of it without that FEMA funding. But it’s a very long, drawn-out process. The State Historical Preservation Office gets involved in all of the historical structures like that. So it’s just taking a long time to get to the funding.”

Towers notes FEMA has agreed to pay 85-percent of the project and the County plans on using funding it has through Local Option Sales and Services Tax (LOSST). Towers talks about a possible timeline on construction of the bridge.




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