
  • Sat November 16 2024
  • Posted Nov 20

Saturday, dozens took to the streets of downtown Cedar Falls, for the 16th Annual Cranksgiving.

The event combines bike riding with a food drive and scavenger hunt- with proceeds to the Northeast Iowa Food Bank and Cedar Bend Humane Society.

Brent Johnson is the owner of Bike Tech in Cedar Falls. He says he's thankful for the support given for the cycling community in the city.

"We are a very large cycling community. Our local governments have made it safe for us to get to and from places with bike lanes and bike trails. So we can reach all the corners of the town and ride our bikes and show others that we can actually ride our bike instead of driving a car to go run an errand or grab a gallon of milk," he said.

Bike Tech helps facilitate the event yearly. Johnson says, it's a time to give back, while getting in a ride.





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