
Depending on weather and wind, this has the potential to be the easiest day of the week on RAGBRAI 2024, giving riders plenty of time after arriving in Atlantic to prepare for Tuesday’s much longer, steeper ride.

Here’s what’s ahead.

Monday’s RAGBRAI route

Red Oak to Atlantic.

What to know

This could well be the most rural of rural Iowa days on the southerly RAGBRAI 2024 route. None of the three towns where riders are invited to pause on the way between Red Oak and Atlantic has even 1,000 people, and two of the three, Lewis and Elliott, are maybe a third that size.

But with only about 40 miles to cover, riders will have plenty of time to stop and enjoy themselves along the way. A few highlights: If you’re old enough to remember, you may find yourself humming “Fooled Around and Fell in Love” as you roll through Lewis, childhood home of Hall of Fame blues rocker Elvin Bishop.





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