YO! Just lettin' ya know that this event occurred in the past. So don't go planning your day around this one.
Sat Jun 15 2013 - Sun Jun 16 2013
12:00 PM - 2:00 AM
Bricks Bar and Grill
Cedar Rapids, IA
Party Ride
Distance - 28 Miles
Team WASP's annual party ride, like our 11th or 12th or something.
Route has been set and includes a pre ride stop at Mahoneys since most of Team WASP lives on the north side of town.
Pre-Ride down to Mahoneys 11 am, Bricks Noon, Safety meeting along the trail to Odies in Ely, Odies, Dry Dock in Shueyville, the New Shack Tavern and back to Bricks.
Bricks Bar and Grill
320 Second Avenue SE
Cedar Rapids, IA 52401 MAP