YO! Just lettin' ya know that this event occurred in the past. So don't go planning your day around this one.
Sat May 22 2010
7:30am - 12:00 pm
Waukee YMCA
Waukee, IA
Waukee Chamber of Commerce and YMCA
Charity Ride
Distance - 5 miles or 20 or 30
Tri or Swim and or Bike and or Run or Walk, eat pie & have fun
The 2010 Pieathlon event will take place on Saturday, May 22nd, 2010. The events will start at 7:30 and last until about Noon. Participants can choose one event or up to three events for a “mini triathlon”. Instead of an official time, each participant gets a coupon for a slice of home made pie! Triathletes and Tri-teams will start with the swim at 7:30 and proceed to the bike and run events. Please be cautious and courteous as people of various ability and speed will be sharing the routes with each other and other users of the public trails. Police will monitor route intersections on Hickman Road during the peak traffic times.
Single events start times:
* 7:30 AM Swim 400 yards in the Waukee YMCA pool. “Snake Lanes” will allow triathletes to get a fast start and leave room for everyone to swim at their own pace.
* 8:30 AM 5K and 10K runs. Both will start at from the Y and runners will follow the route of their choice. See map for route through streets and trails in Waukee.
Click here for Pieathlon run/walk routes
* 9:30 AM Bike rides. 35mile riders start followed by the 24 and 6 mile riders. Cyclists will use streets, roads and the Raccoon River Valley Trail.
Click here for Pieathlon Bike Routes
* 10:00 AM Walkers will follow a 1.2 mile route on residential trail NE of the Waukee Family YMCA.
Waukee YMCA
210 N Warrior Ln
Waukee, IA 50263 MAP